The 8086tiny distribution includes:
Comprehensive documentation is provided which should answer most questions you may have. Further questions are welcome in the forum.
To build 8086tiny, you will need a C compiler of your choice (such as gcc or Microsoft Visual Studio 2013) and, for graphics and audio, SDL 1.2.
to build, and then ./runme
to launchmake 8086tiny_slowcpu
to increase the graphics emulation frame ratemake no_graphics
to compile without graphics/audio supportA highly condensed version of 8086tiny (just 4043 bytes of C source) won the 2013 International Obfucated C Code Contest. The distribution and documentation are available courtesy of the IOCCC website.
8086tiny is more than an emulator, it's a community. If you want to extend 8086tiny to do great things, forking the repository is highly encouraged. If you want details of your fork to be published here, get in touch.
If you find a bug in 8086tiny, consider submitting a pull request.
If 8086tiny brings you joy or profit, the author welcomes modest donations as a token of appreciation.